Centennial population trends of wintering birds are non-stationary
Trait resolution affects ecological inferences
Names in bold indicate members of the Jarzyna Lab
*Postdoc, **Graduate Student, ***Undergraduate Student Author
In Review or preprints
A call to develop a coherent discipline of biodiversity science to address global change.
McGill, B, MA Jarzyna, R Diaz, C Barnes, F Henao Diaz, E Economo, C French, O Hagen, H James, S Kivlin, S Lahiri, J Lennon, R Mascarenhas, L Ohyama, J Okie, DL Rabosky, K Zhu, M Hickerson, and R Gillespie. (In review).
Emergence and dynamics of regional species pools.
Jarzyna, MA, L Ohyama, E Economo, J Gill, M Hickerson, R Mascarenhas, J Okie, C Qin, DL Rabosky, P Staniczenko, and B McGill. (In review).
3D habitat structure drives avian functional and trait diversity across North America.
**Sweeney, CP, W Peterman, K Zhao, K Goodell, B Zuckerberg, and MA Jarzyna. (In review). Available as a preprint.
Acceleration and demographic rates behind bird decline in North America.
Leroy, F, MA Jarzyna, and P Keil. (In review). Available as a preprint.
Paleobiogeographic insights gained from Ecological Niche Models: Progress and continued challenges.
Blois, JL, *AM Bellvé, MA Jarzyna, EE Saupe, and VJP Syverson. (In press). Paleobiology.
Functional reorganization of North American wintering avifauna.
*Quimbayo, JP, *SJ Murphy, and MA Jarzyna. (2024). Ecology Letters, 27: e14430.
SAviTraits 1.0: Seasonally varying dietary attributes for birds.
*Murphy, SJ, *Bellvé, AM, ***RJ Miyajima, ***NA Sebunia, ***MM Lynch, W Jetz, and MA Jarzyna. (2023). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32 (10): 1690-1698.
A global phylogeny of butterflies reveals their evolutionary history, ancestral hosts and biogeographic origins.
Kawahara, AY, C Storer, APS Carvalho, DM Plotkin, F Condamine, F, […], W Jetz, MA Jarzyna, JW Breinholt, M Espeland, L Ries, RP Guralnick, NE Pierce, and DJ Lohman. (2023). Nature Ecology and Evolution, 7: 903-913.
Decoupled spatiotemporal patterns of avian taxonomic and functional diversity.
Jarzyna, MA and JH Stagge. (2023). Current Biology, 33: 1153-1161.
Featured in Ohio State News | ScienceDaily
A protocol for reproducible functional diversity analyses.
Palacio, FX, CT Callaghan, P Cardoso, EJ Hudgins, MA Jarzyna, G Ottaviani, F Riva, C Graco-Roza, V Shirey, and S Mammola. (2022). Ecography, 11: e06287.
Selected as the Editor’s choice
Elevational diversity patterns of rodents differ between wet and arid mountains.
*Kohli, BA, ***R Miyajima, and MA Jarzyna. (2022). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31 (9): 1726-1740.
Standardized NEON organismal data for biodiversity research.
Li, D, S Record, ER Sokol, ME Bitters, MY Chen, YA Chung, MR Helmus, R Jaimes, L Jansen, MA Jarzyna, MG Just, JM LaMontagne, B Melbourne, W Moss, KEA Norman, SM Parker, N Robinson, B Seyednasrollah, C Smith, S Spaulding, TD Surasinghe, S Thomsen, and PL Zarnetske. (2022). Ecosphere, 13 (7): e4141.
Trends in functional composition of small mammal communities across millennial time scales.
*VanBuren, CS and MA Jarzyna. (2022). Ecography, 7: e06096.
Community stability is related to animal diversity change.
Jarzyna, MA, KEA Norman, JM LaMontagne, MR Helmus, D Li, SM Parker, M Perez Rocha, S Record, ER Sokol, PL Zarnetske, and TD Surasinghe. (2022). Ecosphere, 13 (3): e3970.
Open data facilitate resilience in science during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Record, S, MA Jarzyna, B Hardiman, and A Richardson. (2022). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20 (2): 76-77.
Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community.
Nagy, RC, JK Balch, EK Bissell, ME Cattau, NF Glenn, BS Halpern, N Ilangakoon, B Johnson, MB Joseph, S Marconi, C O’Riordan, J Sanovia, TL Swetnam, WR Travis, LA Wasse, PL Zarnetske, […], MA Jarzyna, […]. (2021). Ecosphere, 12 (12): e03833.
Pitfalls of ignoring trait resolution when drawing conclusions about ecological processes.
*Kohli, BA and MA Jarzyna. (2021). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30: 1139-1152.
Global functional and phylogenetic structure of avian assemblages across elevation and latitude.
Jarzyna, MA, I Quintero, and W Jetz. (2021). Ecology Letters, 24 (2): 196-207.
Hierarchical multi-grain models improve descriptions of species' environmental associations, distribution, and abundance.
Mertes, K, MA Jarzyna, and W Jetz. (2020). Ecological Applications, 30 (6): e02117.
Data integration for large scale models of species distributions.
Isaac, NJB, MA Jarzyna, P Keil, LI Dambly, P Boersch-Supan, E Browning, SN Freeman, N Golding, G Guillera-Arroita, P Henrys, S Jarvis, J Lahoz-Monfort, J Pagel, OL Pescott, R Schmucki, E Simmonds, and RB O’Hara. (2020). Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35 (1): 56-61.
Consequences of climate change for wildlife.
Jarzyna, MA, ***VL Atkin Dahm, B Zuckerberg, and WF Porter. (2019). Pages 63-80 in International wildlife management: Contemporary challenges in a changing world. Editors, Koprowski, JL and PR Krausman. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Taxonomic and functional diversity change is scale dependent.
Jarzyna, MA and W Jetz. (2018). Nature Communications, 9: 2565.
Featured in Yale News
Comprehensive and dated phylogenomic analysis of butterflies.
Espeland, M, J Breinholt, KR Willmott, AD Warren, R Vila, E Toussaint, S Maunsell, K Aduse-Poku, G Talavera, R Eastwood, MA Jarzyna, R Guralnick, DJ Lohman, NE Pierce, and AY Kawahara. (2018). Current Biology, 28: 1-9.
Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science.
Bonebrake, TC, CJ Brown, JD Bell, J Blanchard, A Chauvenet, C Champion, I-C Chen, T Clark, F Danielsen, AI Dell, JM Donelson, B Evengård, S Frisher, RA Garcia, AJ Hobday, MA Jarzyna, E Lee, J Lenoir, H Linnerved, VY Martin, PC McCormack, J McDonald, N Mitchell, T Mustonen, J Pandolfi, N Pettorelli, H Possingham, P Pulsifer, M Reynolds, BR Scheffers, CJB Sorte, J Strugnell, M-N Tuanmu, S Twiname, A Verges, C Villanueva, E Wapstra, T Wernberg, and GT Pecl. (2018). Biological Reviews, 93 (1): 284-305.
Forest extent and deforestation in tropical Africa since 1900.
Aleman, JC, MA Jarzyna, and AC Staver. (2018). Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2 (1): 26-33.
Featured in Science | YaleNews | EurekAlert | Phys.org | Quartz | ScienceDaily | Science Newsline | BioScholar
Read Behind the Paper blog post in Nature Ecology and Evolution
A near half-century of temporal change in different facets of avian diversity.
Jarzyna MA and W Jetz. (2017). Global Change Biology, 23 (8): 2999-3011.
Ecogeography/macroecology (range and body size).
Jarzyna, MA and BA Maurer. (2017). Pages 1602-1606 in The Wiley-AAG international encyclopedia of geography: people, the earth, environment, and technology. Editors, Richardson, D, N Castree, MF Goodchild, AL Kobayashi, W Liu and R Marston. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Interpreting and predicting the spread of invasive wild pigs.
Snow, NP, MA Jarzyna, and KC Vercauteren. (2017). Journal of Applied Ecology, 54 (6): 2022-2032.
Covered by Nature | PLOS Ecology Community | The Weather Channel | RedOrbit | UPI | Gizmodo
Selected as the 2017 Publication of the Year by the National Wildlife Research Center
Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: Impacts on ecosystems and human well-being.
Pecl, GT, M Araújo, J Bell, J Blanchard, TC Bonebrake, I-C Chen, T Clark, R Colwell, F Danielsen, B Evengård, L Falconi, S Ferrier, S Fruscher, RA Garcia, R Griffis, AJ Hobday, C Janion-Scheepers, MA Jarzyna, S Jenning, J Lenoir, H Linnerved, V Martin, PC McCormack, J McDonald, N Mitchell, T Mustonen, J Pandolfi, N Pettorelli, E Popova, S Robinson, B Scheffers, J Shaw, CJB Sorte, J Strugnell, J Sunday, M-N Tuanmu, A Vergés, C Villanueva, T Wernberg, E Wapstra, and SE Williams. (2017). Science, 355 (6332): eaai9214.
Covered by (among others) PBS NewsHour | National Geographic | The Guardian | The Sydney Morning Herald | Brisbane Times | CBC News | EurekAlert | Phys.org | The Conversation | ScienceNordic | myNewsDesk | myScience | World Economic Forum
See visual abstract on YouTube
Included in Top 100 Global Sustainability Research Articles of 2017
Synergistic effects of climate and land cover: grassland birds are more vulnerable to climate change.
Jarzyna, MA, B Zuckerberg, AO Finley, and WF Porter. (2016). Landscape Ecology, 31 (10): 2275-2290.
Detecting the multiple facets of biodiversity.
Jarzyna, MA and W Jetz. (2016). Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31 (7): 527-538.
Landscape fragmentation affects responses of avian communities to climate change.
Jarzyna, MA, WF Porter, BA Maurer, B Zuckerberg, and AO Finley. (2015). Global Change Biology, 21 (8): 2942-2953.
Spatial scaling of temporal changes in avian communities.
Jarzyna, MA, B Zuckerberg, WF Porter, AO Finley, and BA Maurer. (2015). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24 (11): 1236-1348.
Accounting for the space-varying nature of the relationships between community turnover and the environment.
Jarzyna, MA, AO Finley, WF Porter, BA Maurer, CM Beier, and B Zuckerberg. (2014). Ecography, 37 (11): 1073-1083.
An application of occupancy estimation and modeling in the analysis of atlas data.
Sadoti, G, B Zuckerberg, MA Jarzyna, and WF Porter. (2013). Diversity and Distributions, 19 (7): 804-814.
Climate change and wildlife.
Jarzyna, MA, B Zuckerberg, and WF Porter. (2013). Pages 262-278 in Wildlife management and conservation: contemporary principles and practices. Editors, Krausman, PR and JW Cain. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Research frontiers of early career biogeographers.
Ochoa-Ochoa, LM, MA Jarzyna, A Lira-Noriega, S Nogué, AMC Santos, C Tovar, G Stevens, J Hortal, and R. Field. (2013). Frontiers of Biogeography, 5 (3): 161-162.